Google-chrome – Displaying Unicode on Chrome vs Firefox


Unicode Rendering: Firefox vs Chrome

OS: Windows XP SP3

My question is about the rendering of this post on Firefox vs Chrome. I can see a lot of boxes on Chrome, not so much on Firefox.





What do I do?


firefox and chrome settings

Update 2

Changed Sans Serif fonts on Chrome to Arial Unicode and restarted

Chrome fonts

Update 3

This is inspired by @Arjan's references

The smilies on Firefox(The reference smilies are the ones below)

the smilies on firefox

The smilies on Chrome(The reference smilies are the ones below)

the smilies on chrome


The source of the above post is displayed as below


firefox source


source on chrome

Best Answer

There is more to it, including operating system used.

My Chrome rendering of that post looks similar to your firefox image.

Simply put, it is a mixture of ANSI/Unicode characters and encoding techniques. Different browsers (and operating systems) treat and render it differently.

re: comment...

I am running Windows 7 - Windows Vista and Windows 7 handle ANSI/Unicode and international rendering much better. If you go to international/region options in control panel (of XP), you should be able to install additional support for complex languages.

alt text


This simply means to me that Firefox uses its own rendering engine for everywhere, where as Chrome relies on the operating systems support.