Display size comparison chart


I am in the process of collecting laptop recommendations for a friend. I need a way to show to her the size differences of the various formats (15" 4:3, 15" 16:9, 15" 16:10 …. up to 17.3") in a graphical way, so she can compare them to the laptop she currently has (15").

Does anybody know a simple comparison chart where those sizes are shown side-by-side?

We have E-Mail connection only right now, so I would need some sort of a link or PDF document.

Best Answer

Try DisplayWars.com It will allow you to visually see the difference between screens of different sizes and aspect ratios. Only downside is that you can only compare two at a time. Here's an example (difference between a 4:3 13" display and a 16:9 15" display):

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