Display port to DVI or Display port to HDMI, or VGA

external displayports

I know that there are a lot of questions about different ports for connecting a monitor, but i have one that i think is unanswered elsewhere.

I have a laptop with only a display port and VGA output.
I have a monitor with HDMI, DVI and VGA input
Its a 27 inch monitor, with 1980×1080 resolution, refreshing at 60hz
I am running intel graphics

In order to display on my external monitor, i need to either connect via VGA (which i am doing currently) or get a converter from display port to DVI or display port to HDMI. In theory i could also get a VGA converter to DVI/HDMI, but that would seem to be pointless.

What i am wondering is i) will converting display port to DVI/HDMI give me better quality than VGA; and if so ii) which conversion will give me the best results.

Any and all advice is much appreciated.

Best Answer

For your monitor and resolution, HDMI and DVI will produce equal results. It will come down to price and availability.

Personally, I would go with DVI. That way, you have a free HDMI port open to use for something else in the future, like a Blu-ray player, Chromecast, Apple TV, etc.

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