Disabling Linux mouse middle button


In Linux by default the middle mouse button (i.e. wheel) copies the selected text into the place of cursor.

This causes accidental pasting while I'm trying to scroll code / config files via the mouse – especially in Eclipse.

Any idea how to disable it?

Update :

The main problem is that I'm using FreeNX for remote terminal, and don't have the mouse section in my xorg.conf. I guess it's because FreeNX uses some sort of virtual mouse.

Is it possible to turn it off in FreeNX, or in Gnome windows manager?


Best Answer

IMHO, that's a feature that missing on non-X11 platforms. :)

If you're using KDE or GNOME you should start poking around their respective mouse configuration panels.

Failing that, check http://linuxreviews.org/howtos/xfree/mouse/ This page lists a few ways to tweak your X11 configuration files.

You may be able to get away with something like:

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 0 3 4 5"
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