Windows – Disable / Turn Off Windows 7 Search Prompt / Warning Banner About Indexing


Whenever a search is performed in Windows 7 on a folder that is not indexed, Windows throws up a banner at the top of the Explorer window (below the address bar) blabbing about Indexing and asking you to turn it on and index the folder:

enter image description here

After the thousandth or so time, that warning/prompt/banner flashing and its [x] needing to be clicked gets to be really annoying. I heard you the first time!!!

Worse, this still occurs even when the Indexing service is disabled, and Indexing is un-selected and all of the relevant options.

(Windows is acting like a stupid person who cannot understand a simple concept like yes, I heard you the first thousand times, but no, I don’t want to use it, now leave me alone! and so keeps bugging you anyway.)

Is there a way to disable the banner short of hacking explorer.exe?

What’s particularly aggravating is that I have already disabled and removed the Indexer from Windows and yet it still tries to use it and then complains when it can’t. Well duh; it’s been removed:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Same annoying problem.

I found this and it works!

Go to: Control Panel > Folder Options > Search (tab)

And check: Don't use the index when searching in file folders for system files (searches might take longer)

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