Windows – Disable Tabbing in Firefox 3, Chrome 4 and IE8

browser-tabsfirefoxgoogle-chromeinternet explorerwindows

Tabbed Browsing may be nice for reading news sites in one sitting, but I still think they are a usability nightmare if you need to keep the page open for a long time, e.g., for testing it while developing or as a reference for something.

The nice thing about the Windows Taskbar (before Windows 7 broke it) is that it's easy and natural to remember where things are. I can have 30 tabs in it, but because I know what each one is, I know where I have to click to open something – it's the most efficient way of working I've encountered so far.

Sadly, Tabbed Browsing completely breaks this efficiency because it is not possible to specifically click on a tab in the taskbar, I have to click on the browser, search the tab and then click it, which means at least 2 clicks.

Long story, short question: Is there an extension or setting to completely disable tabbing on Firefox 3, Chrome 4 and Internet Explorer 8 and have one Window/Taskbar entry for each open page? I know that in Chrome I can just drag a tab out of a Window to create a new one, but if there is a general way, that would be easier.

Edit: IE8 conveniently offers an option for that: Tools – Options – Tabs – Enable Tabbed Browsing.

Best Answer

Well since you got IE8, for Firefox there is the Tab Killer add-on which removes all traces of tabs from the browser. As for Chrome, it seems it's not an option yet (the post is old, but I've downloaded Chrome and took a peek -- still no apparent option).