Windows – Disable some extra keys on keyboard in windows

keyboardwindows 7

I have a keyboard with some types of extra keys, such as multimedia (play, pause, stop ,..), turn off, and etc.
some times it's annoying with a "exit button" just right beside arrows that accidentally presses, and programs gonna close, and some other similar problems.

I'm wondering is there any solution to disable, or change the functionality of these types of keyboard keys in Windows (win7)?


Best Answer

I personally use AutoHotKey for that, but maybe it's an overkill in this situation. Anyway with lines like yourkey::return, you can easily "disable" them.

To see which key to add in your script, you can open ahk (right-click > open in the tray), then go into View > Key history and script info. You'll have the history of the last 40 keys you used, and you can refresh it with F5. To see which key you want to block, just press it, then press F5 in the AHK window.

Otherwise, you can use KeyTweak, which actually changes directly your registry. I never tried it though, but the manual looks promising.

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