Disable “Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard” message

internet explorer

When browsing a certain site I keep getting a prompt asking me:

Do you want to allow this webpage to access your Clipboard?

If you allow this, the webpage can access the Clipboard and read information that you've cut or copied recently.

enter image description here

If you pick Allow/Don't Allow the message will come up the next time you go to the web site.

How can I set a default action to prevent this from popping up every time I hit this web page?

Best Answer

You can set a default action to hide this prompt from the Internet Options menu. Go to Tools > Internet Options, then open the Security Tab. You can set a default for either general Internet sites, Trusted sites or Restricted sites. For info on why you see this prompt, and why by default you should not allow clipboard access, see this MSDN article

If you want to allow access to your clipboard, add the site to your Trusted Sites (and make sure you actually trust the site, since allowing this option can allow them to copy clipboard info like passwords). If you want to just disable clipboard access by default, just pick Internet to automatically disable this option everywhere (it's quite rare that it will be requested).

Click the Custom Level button, then scroll down to the Scripting settings; you can set a default for Disable or Enable for Allow Programatic clipboard access.

enter image description here

Here I trust the site so I've added it to my Trusted Sites list and set a custom level only for Trusted Sites to allow this option. You can also disable this option if you don't trust the site or don't need the feature.

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