Windows – Disable Chrome to ask for confirmation to open external application everytime

google-chromewindows 10

We have configured chrome to open tel: links with Skype. One computer it does not open straight Skype after clicking a tel-link, but asks if skype should be opened (in a popup).

I tried to reset Chrome and tried to change the handler to another software to test if the problem maybe is with Skype. But it seems Chrome is generally asking for confirmation before opening an external application.

How can we configure Chrome to not ask for confirmation over and over?
This is on Windows 10.

Best Answer

This can now be done with Chrome 79+. Thanks to the Reddit link from @Kropotoff's earlier answer, you can restore the "Always open these types of links in the associated app" option by updating your system settings.

For Windows:

Apply the "External​Protocol​Dialog​Show​Always​Open​Checkbox" registry policy

Or edit the registry and add a REG_DWORD registry entry to:


For macOS:

defaults write ExternalProtocolDialogShowAlwaysOpenCheckbox -bool true

At least on Mac, it seems you need to quit and restart Chrome before the option becomes available.

Another Method

As an alternative to enabling the checkbox, then launching Chrome to select the checkbox, and ensuring it is persisted in the Chrome profile, it also appears to be possible to whitelist specific protocol handler URIs via the command line. This is helpful for Selenium and other automation, meaning that the URIs open without user intervention and you don't need to pre-configure the browser.

Assuming that your protocol handlers are myprotocol1://whatever and myprotocol2://whatever, you can do this on Mac. If you go this route, it doesn't look like you need to bother with the checkbox setting above.

defaults write URLWhitelist -array 'myprotocol1://*' 'myprotocol2://*' 'myprotocol3://*'

I have not tried this on Windows, but it looks like there is guidance on the enterprise policy page for URLWhitelist.