Difference and relation between firmware and device driver


  1. How are firmware and device driver
    different and related? I think both
    control devices?
  2. Is firmware always self-booting,
    while driver must be run/booted by OS?

Best Answer

  1. Firmware is the software that runs on the device. A driver is the software that tells your operating system how to communicate with the device. Not all devices have firmware--only devices with some level of intelligence.

  2. I'm not exactly sure what you mean... generally speaking, firmware has nothing to do with "booting"... I think maybe what you're asking is, do devices with firmware always have the firmware installed on the device, or is it loaded after boot time. If that's what you're asking, the answer is no...

Most commonly, devices with firmware have the firmware programmed into the device (either with a ROM chip, or a programmable ROM chip), but there are some devices where the firmware is loaded into the device at initialization time. I can think of some network cards and webcams that operate this way, but I'm sure there are others as well.

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