Windows – Deterministic way to find which installed fonts support a given Unicode character or script

fontsi18nlanguageunicodewindows 7

As an enthusiast of languages and writing systems here's a problem I often run into:

I have many fonts installed and many support several or many writing systems (scripts) for various languages. (My OS is Windows 7)

Sometimes I want to know exactly which subset of the fonts I have installed support a particular writing system, or a particular character.

How can I get a list of the fonts on my system for a string / a character / a language / a writing system?

I'd accept a website that can check, a tool already included in Windows 7, a tool I need to download, etc.

(I realize some fonts might contain the characters but lack enough data to render words correctly. I'm OK with this and similar limitations.)

Best Answer

For list of all installed fonts in windows you ca use command:

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"

To list only truetype fonts you can use something like:

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts"|findstr TrueType

If you want to see all nontruetype fonts use findstr on this way:

...|findstr -v TrueType 
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