Windows – Determine which software product a Microsoft Product Key activates


Without a product key being labelled, is there is any way to identify what Microsoft software product a given product key is meant to activate?

Let's say for example I had the product key ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO-PQRST-UVWXY, but I had no clue if was meant for Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 7 Home Premium, Vista Ultimate, or even Office 2010. Is there a way I could identify the software product the key is meant for (or at least get a good estimate)?

Note: I have searched and searched many times on the Internet, but the only results I ever find are how to recover a lost product key by using something like Nirsoft ProduKey. This is not what I am looking for.

Best Answer

Unfortunately there isn’t. The product key sequence is according to a mathematical algorithm. The product key is a partially random, 25-character alphanumeric code, specifically designed to defeat against keygens and leaked serial numbers. The code has three (known) components:

  1. An actual serial number
  2. Verification data (using modular math)
  3. A checksum (CRC) for typos

There are several good references to how product keys are utilized. This one is particularly good.