Default File Explorer Size and Position in Windows


I'm running Vista Home Premium 32-Bit with a screen resolution of 1024x768.

How do you set the default windows size/positions? Is there a registry tweak for this? Going to Tools->Folder Options...->View Apply to Folders does not apply the current folder size to all folders.

So, whenever I open a new window to a random new folder I haven't opened before, I don't want it to take 75% of the screen. Is there any way I could make it open smaller? (So it opens correctly the first time.)


I want the default size of folders to be 500x500 pixels.

Currently it's at 800x600 pixels.

Best Answer

This program seems to work. Open any Explorer window, choose it on "Currently open windows" list, press AutoSize, choose "Resize / Position", press "Set Size" and choose your size.

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