Debian – php5 ini file is blank


I have been building a Debian machine for test (Wheezy, x64) and have installed php5 and apache and successfully run phpinfo() to the browser, and php -v to the command line.

From the details in phpinfo(), the location of the Loaded Configuration File is /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini. However when I list that file I see that it is empty! (This is one of two php.ini files on the computer, the other is the expected /etc/php5/cli/php.ini, which is also empty)

My expectation is that the file should be around 70k in size (see php.ini for my php installation)

I have tried apt-get install --reinstall php5 to try an fix things .. but it didn't, and it didn't replace the only php.ini files I know about.

So where is my ini file or how do I install the proper one?

I could download the matching file from Git, but that doesn't seem to be the correct way of addressing my issue.

Best Answer

Answering my own question.

I have no idea what went wrong with the installation, but it was cured with:

apt-get remove php5*
apt-get install php5

The key thing was purging the php5 files

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