DD-WRT – Allow Port Forwarding for LAN Requests


With the original firmware of my router I had port forwarding defined from port 80 to the server in the LAN, which I used in conjunction with an external dynamic DNS service.

I've now upgraded to DD-WRT and alas the port forwarding only works for requests to the external IP from outside the LAN. From inside the LAN I can only access the server by its internal IP.

How can I get the external IP (and thereby the domain name connected to the dynamic external IP) to be properly accessible also from inside the LAN?

I prefer to find out how to achieve it with standard DD-WRT definitions but using e.g. iptables isn't out of the question.

Best Answer

Seems like it's a bug in recent DD-WRT builds.

Use iptables:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o br0 -s -d -j MASQUERADE

(change your subnet according to your specific LAN)

From http://hax.at/text/41

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