D-Link DIR-600M – Setting up QoS Rules to restrict bandwidth for given IP address


I'm trying to setup QoS rules to achieve the following:

I want to restrict the bandwidth for specific IP addresses that connect to the network. I'm confused about what goes in each of the fields seen in the screenshot seen below when setting up the QoS rules. Anyone who has done it before and can help understand what to put in each of these fields?

  • Source IP
  • Dest IP
  • Source Netmask
  • Dest Netmask
  • Up Floor/Ceiling
  • Down Floor/Ceiling

enter image description here

Best Answer

Source IP : Where traffic from. If you set source IP with, traffics from will be controlled.

Dest IP : Where traffic heads to. If you set dest IP with, traffics headed to will be controlled.

Source Netmask : Determines range of source IP address. It's according to IPv4 CIDR subnetting rule.

Dest Netmask :Determines range of dest IP address. It's according to IPv4 CIDR subnetting rule.

Up/Down Floor : Floor is speed that you want to guarantee least. For example, if you set Up/Down Floor to 10Mbps, you can guarantee at least 10Mbps speed for upload and download.

Up/Down Ceiling : Ceiling is speed limit. For example, if you set Up/Down Ceiling to 10Mbps, your upload and download speed is limited to 10Mbps, and you cannot use any more than that.

== Example ==
Source IP :
Dest IP :
Source Netmask :
Dest Netmask :
Up Floor/Ceiling : Floor 0 Mbps, Ceiling 10Mbps
Down Floor/Ceiling : Floor 0 Mbps, Ceiling 10Mbps

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