Excel – Cursor and selection invisible when focus is lost

microsoft excel

When Excel window loses focus, the cursor becomes invisible. Also coloring of the respective column/row headers is back to default, so it's impossible to locate cursor and/or selection as soon as I switch to other window.

This annoys the hell out of me as it makes Excel almost unusable for most of tasks I need it for:

  • keeping track of test cases while performing testing in another window

  • obtaining data somewhere else and porting it to Excel

(I have never seen such behavior in other applications and can't even think of a justification for it.)

Is is possible to turn this behavior off, i.e. retain selection visibility when out of focus?

Edit: Contrary to what I thought when originally posted this, this is not a "new feature", it's rather a UI pragma that MS holds to in most their applications (at least since some point in time), although non-MS applications or some legacy MS applications do not always respect it.

Best Answer

One workaround is described in this post, which does not require usage of VBA/macros:

Copying content to the clipboard will put a dashed border around the highlighted cells, which will still remain when the Excel windows loses focus.

Highlight the concerned row by clicking the row number to the left of the row, then click Ctrl-C / Cmd-C.

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