Creating a “Subgroup” within a Group of Contacts


Is it possible to have a group inside of a group in Lync? I cannot seem to find a way to do it.

For example, I've got 5 groups, Project A, Project B, Project C, Project 1, Project 2.

Projects A-C are iOS & Android developers and I infrequently need to contact them. Projects 1 and 2 are desktop developers that I frequently contact and is fine as is.

Ultimately, I'd like Lync to look sort of like this:

 Project 1
      Person One
      Person Two
 Project 2
      Person One
      Person Two
      Project A
           Person One
      Project B
           Person Two
      Project C

Then I could expand A, B, or C to see the members of those teams.

Basically, since it's just such a bloated-looking app I'm trying to minimize the amount of space consumed and since I won't frequently need the Mobile devs I don't need to see the groups all the time.

Best Answer

It's not possible - Microsoft in their wisdom decided on a flat model for the groups. Nesting is not allowed.

I know - it's rubbish isn't it?

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