Create PowerPoint Presentations based on csv/xml file


I have a large set of images that I'd like to create a presentation from. All the slides look the same: Centered Image, text caption, audio file. The image and Audio file have the same name, different extension. So I have a database relating

  • Text
  • Image
  • Audio

Any idea how to create such a Powerpoint file?

Right now looking into creating xslt transforms and to produce a file in OpenXML format or python scripting as per

Best Answer

You have a few choices for automating the creation of powerpoint presentations.

  • In older versions of powerpoint there's a built in macro recording tool to create visual basic scripts. You can still manually create these scripts to automate viewgraph generation
  • In more recent version of MS Office there are much better plugins for c# to create presentations (and other office files) directly from data. Here's an older link to microsoft documentation (2002) but it should give you a good idea of how it's done.
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