Create custom Notepad++ theme


I'm thinking of making my own Notepad++ theme for syntax coloring. I'm not sure the best way to proceed, I was hoping that someone with experience of this sort of thing could help me:

To create a new NP++ theme, is it simply a case of finding an existing theme, renaming it and then adjusting the colors in the XML? Is there an online (WYSIWYG) editor like this but for NP++ which shows the code of your choice (JavaScript, R, C++ etc) and background colour?

Best Answer

I'm thinking of making my own Notepad++ theme for syntax coloring.

There is an online Notepad++ Theme Editor:

About Notepad++ Theme Editor

Created by Margaryta Tyshkevich, Olesya Yaremenko and Roman Kobzar.

Link to the project code: Notepad++ Theme Editor on GitHub

Implemented plugins / libraries, created by other developers :

  • jQuery Color Picker Plugin by Jose Vargas.
  • Downloadify JavaScript + Flash library for client side file creation by Doug Neiner.

To install a theme for your Notepad++ ...

  • Move its XML file into your C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\themes folder.
  • Restart Notepad++ ...
  • Choose the theme from a drop-down list in Settings > Style Configurator... .

enter image description here

Source About Notepad++ Theme Editor

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