Create an AutoHotKey script that waits for a window and sends some keystrokes to it, but the keystrokes are repeating by default


I want an AutoHotKey script that waits for a particular window and then sends keystrokes to that window. However, since the waiting is done in a loop, the keys are sent again and again.

Let's say I want to wait for Windows Calculator and then send "12345" to it. My first attempt was:

#SingleInstance force
WinWaitActive, Calc
    Send, 12345

This script obviously sends "12345" over and over again since I'm not breaking out of the loop.

If I insert a "break" following the send statement, the loop terminates but so does the entire script.

What's the standard pattern for handling this?

Best Answer

I'm assuming you want to stop sending 12345 until you activate the window again (or another window with the same name). So use WinWaitNotActive

#SingleInstance force
WinWaitActive, Calc
    Send, 12345
    WinWaitNotActive, Calc
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