Windows – Copy-paste stops working on Windows 7

clipboardcopy/pastewindows 7

Copy-paste functionality stops working after about an hour after each reboot on a Windows 7 64-bit system.
Running Google Chrome (with gmail and few other tabs open like Calendar, Reader), MS Outlook (which I don't think has anything to do with the problem — I saw it when outlook was off as well), iTunes ( if it matters).

Would appreciate hints where and what for to look in a registry, and ideas for possible fix.

That is not an Internet Explorer problem (I don't even run it) — it happens in all applications.

Neither Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V nor context menu right-click Copy-Paste (actually, nothing happens on Copy, so there is nothing in a clipboard to Paste) are working. Drag-and-Drop (where supported) continues working though.

Best Answer

A bit late, but hopefully this can still help someone.

I have this exact same problem as well, on Windows 7 64-bit too. For me, I just found out it was caused by Outlook 2007.

You can find out which application is keeping a lock on the clipboard by running David Candy's app:

This gives you the PID which has the lock.

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