Convert MBR to GPT Without an Operating System

gptmbrpartitioningwindows 7

I just got a new laptop without any OS (it had FreeDOS, but not anymore). When I go to Windows Installer and try to create a new partition from un-allocated space, I don't get any Error message but the installer is unable to create the partition. At the bottom of the installer window, there's a warning which says something like,

Windows cannot install on MBR *partition. On EFI systems, Windows can only install on GPT *partition

How can I convert MBR to GPT *partition without any OS?

*I am not sure if it was partition or not

Best Answer

You should be able to do this with a live distro of GParted I believe.

This is a fairly generic tool which allows a number of operations to be performed on drives whilst booted up from a USB stick or CD-ROM