Windows – Convert a text file from ansi to UTF-8 in windows batch scripting

ansibatch filecommand lineutf-8windows

We have a text file which is in default ANSI format and that needs to be converted into UTF-8 format. Is there any way we can use the general windows DOS commands to convert the file? We can use the PowerShell but only this command line has to be run from a different batch process.

Best Answer

The PowerShell syntax is rather straightforward. This command opens a file in the default encoding and saves it as UTF-8 with BOM:

Get-Content <SrcFile.txt> -Encoding Oem | Out-File <DestFile.txt> -Encoding utf8

The Encoding parameter accepts the following: Ascii, BigEndianUnicode, BigEndianUTF32, Byte, Default, Oem, String, Unicode, Unknown, UTF32, UTF7, UTF8

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