Constantly visible notification and access icon for Empathy in Gnome 3


Since a short while I'm using Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot (11.10) with gnome-shell (Gnome 3) and I'm trying to get accustomed to the default Empathy Instant Messaging client.

One mayor problem for me (coming from Gnome 2 and Psi) is that there is no constantly visible icon which makes it clear (for example by changing its icon or showing an animation) if there are incoming messages which I did not read already and which lets me jump into them with one click.

Also I'm missing a way to bring up the contact list or hide it away with a click. I sometimes have real problems even figuring out how to even open the contact list up again.

Is there a Gnome 3 extension or some other trick available to display such a notifier in the top bar? I'm talking about something just like the sound and network controls which are already located there.

I know that there are notifications in the lower notification area (former system tray), but as it is only visible as I move the mouse in the lower right corner of the screen, its useless for me.

Best Answer

See this incredibly long bug report for discussion about persistent notification of unread messages that doesn't require you to scrub the bottom corner all the time.

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