Connecting to Raspberry database with TCP/IP over SSH

MySQLmysql-workbenchraspberry pissh

I am trying to connect to my raspberry MYSQL server with MySQL workbench over SSH but get the error:
"Could not connect the SSH Tunnel WARNING: Server public key has changed"
I´m not sure why since I can connect with SSH with PUTTY.

MySQL workbench connection settings:

SSH hostname = local ip of my raspbery:22

SSH username = username of my pi

SSH Password = password of my pi

SSH Key File = nothing (no clue what to put here)

MySQL hostname = localhost

MySQL server port = 3308 (set in my.cnf)

username = root

Password = password of root

Default Schema = mysql

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Do you have multiple devices on the same local subnet that you connect to, using SSH?

Your client saves public keys associated with IPs in the known_hosts file. The most likely cause is that another device was assigned to that IP and your client expects the previous ssh server (with a different public key, depending on how PuTTY was installed) to appear. If it happens just that one time (your ssh client should be updating its known_hosts file), there's nothing to worry about.

If the problem does persist, try renaming/editing/deleting the public_hosts file (or registry key), so that the old public key for that server is not used anymore:




Make a backup just in case, either a copy of the file or a reg key export.

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