Computer hangs on start-up, but re-start always works


I press the power switch; the fans start whirring; then precisely nothing happens. The monitor lights (I have two monitors) blink to indicate that they aren't receiving any signal – no BIOS splash screen, nothing. This scenario occurs about 80 percent of the time, the other 20 percent being normal starts.

Noticing that the computer has not started properly, I press the power switch for four seconds to turn the computer off, and then I press it again to start the computer for the second time. It always starts normally the second time. Always.

The power supply is a 750W from SilverStone. The motherboard is a Gigabyte P55A-UD3P. The video card is an Asus EN9800GT. There's 8 GB of RAM. I don't know what other information might be pertinent. Help!

Best Answer

I had more or less the exact same problem on an older AMD MB, I believe from MSI (which led me on a frustrating error searching process with several graphic cards before I noticed that they had nothing to do with it). A friend with a POST card (which he had bought for $4) checked it, and it turned out that the BIOS simply hanged at a certain stage every second boot (he claimed it was exactly every second boot when he tested it with his reader. My notes from the error searching process indicated that it was more irregular, but then I switched graphic cards lots of times as well, and other factors might have influenced it). This was also something that suddenly started to happen to the machine after several years of running (and some crashes, due to a failing hard drive. Can't know if it was related).

My "solution" for my specific case was that the hardware was obsolete anyway and needed to be replaced. I don't know if it is fixable directly in hardware. The only thing I'd test is to update/reflash the BIOS drivers and hope for the best. Otherwise, my bet is on a new MB.

I can note that I had tried, in order, to change PSU and graphics card without any long-term benifit (it was very annoying to find that "yay, new PSU made it work!" to see that it failed on the next reboot, and so on. Not the best spent hours of my life).

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