Visual Studio 2010 – How to Completely Uninstall

crashreinstalluninstallvisual studio 2010

I've got a bug with visual studio 2010, whenever I try to run my program with debugging enabled it pops up an error message saying "Error While Trying to Run Project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called through Reflection". This happens even on a fresh project, so it's not my code.

I tried uninstalling through the uninstaller and reinstalling but it still breaks.

What steps to I have to take to completely remove or repair all of the files Visual Studio could be relying on that're breaking it?

I'm running Windows 7, with the new Service Pack. I can boot into Ubuntu 10.4 if required, though visual studio is not set to run on that OS.

P.S> I'm aware of, but it's both for a much older system and the latest OS it even mentions is XP, so I doubt its relevance.

EDIT: Bit more info

If I go into linux and create a new folder (let's call this folder TESTPERMS for now) and I navigate to where that folder is in the terminal and enter ls -l I get this result

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I then enter the command chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

I try sudo chmod 777 TESTPERMS

I get this result:

drwx------ 1 nick nick       0 2011-03-16 20:08 TESTPERMS

Permissions just aren't changing.


OK, well I only managed to fix matters by completely reformatting. I'll leave this open if there's anybody else who gets this issue but I'll no longer be able to test solutions.

Best Answer

I was able to find this with a quick google search (link): Debugger start fails if the IntelliTrace recordings directory is Read-Only

By default, IntelliTrace files are located in the "%ProgramData%\Microsoft Visual
Studio\10.0\TraceDebugging\" directory.  If this directory is made read-only, or the 
directory is changed to a read-only location, an uncaught exception gets raised to the 
user.  "Error while trying to run project: Uncaught exception thrown by method called 
through Reflection."

To resolve this issue:

* Option 1: Modify the permissions of the directory to be writable. 
* Option 2: Change the directory where IntelliTrace recordings are stored.
      o In Visual Studio, open the Options dialog box.
      o Expand the IntelliTrace item in the left pane of the dialog box.
      o Click the Advanced item under IntelliTrace.
      o Change the IntelliTrace recordings directory to one that is not read-only.
      o Click OK.
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