Windows – Complete file system diff

diff()filesystemswindows 8windows-registry

I have a program which I need to install on top of Windows 8. Trouble is, the program makes changes to a few files which makes another program not work, chances are that registry settings are involved, too.

So here's my situation – I need to figure out exactly which files and registry entries are modified compared to a system which doesn't have it installed. Basically my idea is to use VMWare. Install first program, clone that VMWare, install second program and then get the diff for the two systems and find out which files have been modified/added.

How can I do that? File system diffs as far as I can find, have been made either for only a few files, or for linux.

Ideas are welcome, as both programs are imperative for our work.

Best Answer

If you just want to uninstall cleanly you can use something like Revo Uninstaller to monitor the installation process.

If you want details then perhaps running Process Monitor before launching the installer will help, although filtering out all unrelated file system/registry changes might become difficult. NirSoft's RegFromApp could be of use here.

Finally, guess you can always create a complete before and after file listing of the drive using dir or any appropriate program, as well as a before and after full registry export, then compare the two sets of data. For the latter (registry compare), programs such as RegShot or RegShot2 can help you out.

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