Comodo Antivirus – Fails to update signature database


I am using Comodo Internet Security including Antivirus v5.8.213334.2131 Free version. Virus signature database v 25399. OS Windows XP Sp3

I am trying to update this signature online. It downloads the latest parches as usual and starts applying but prolongs at 90% for over 5 minutes and then pops up a message stating ‘Failed to update the virus signature database. Please check your internet connection and try again later’

Apparently the internet connection is just fine. This message appears misleading. I have tried several times over last couple of days but same result. Very little info is available on Comodo Forums. A user who faced similar problem was able to solve it by re-installing the anti virus.

I tried complete uninstall and fresh install but the error exists. Even I tried to force a full download of database (by pushing a very old version of bases.cav file as current) but it fails at ‘Finalizing’ stage at 90%. I even ran built in Comodo Diagnostics utility and it did not report anything.

Does anyone know what’s going wrong? Thanks

Best Answer

The easy way is to go to comodo folder scanners and create a bat with this:

@echo off

SET "FILENAME=%~dp0\newbases.cav"

bitsadmin.exe /transfer "database" "%FILENAME%"

DEL bases.cav.b

ren bases.cav bases.cav.b

ren newbases.cav bases.cav

Then go to windows task manager and create a task to executev the bat at boot with administrator previlages.

You will see that updates go fine after that.


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