Command Line tool to create ISO images

command linedisk-image

I was tasked with helping automate the build process where I work and was specifically given the task of packaging the installer/release files into an ISO to be burnt and distributed to customers. The script will pull all of the files to a central location, but then I need to package those files into an ISO disk image. I was going to do this through the command line, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with any command line tools for packaging a built product into an ISO (disk image).

I have heard of using Linux's MKISOFS (however I will most likely be setting this up to run on a Windows environment) but haven't done much research yet and was wondering if anyone out there could help point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

There are a couple of options listed in this question. I haven't got any experience of using any of them so can't give you pros/cons on them I'm afraid. I have used MagicISO Maker via its UI in the past and it worked fairly well for that, but I can't comment on the command line/scriptability of it.

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