Windows – .cmd Runs from cmd.exe but Not from Start Menu/Run Dialog

command linefile associationrun-dialogwindowswindows-registry


If I run a .cmd file from cmd.exe it works fine. However if I run it from Start menu / Run line, it opens in Notepad++, my editor. (edit I've it installed for years, didn't update it recently. However, this phenomenon with the .cmds only started recently.)

Both time, I use a full absolute path. I use windows 7 x64.


My HKLM/Software/Classes/cmdfile/shell/open/command's (Default) is set to "%1" %* and .cmd's (Default) is cmdfile in both HKLM and HKCU and there is no cmdfile in HKCU.

However the other keys I did not check / did not understand their meaning or significance, in particular I don't know an easy way to follow clsid values, and know what do they mean as a given key.

context menu

If I right click a .cmd the bold text is its name (edit) says "Open". But even from here if I click open, it opens in notepad++, my text editor.

icon (edited)
If I go to the folder in explorer, the icon is a Notepad++ icon.


Why is the Run line behaving differently from the command line?

How can I restore my .cmds to run from the Run dialog, too?

Best Answer

Make a backup of the registry.

After that you should delete any values with "Notepad++" under the following key:


The only keys I have under there are:



