Windows – How to Clone a Windows Installation to a 3TB Hard Drive (MBR to GPT)

gpthard drivembrpartitioningwindows 7

I have Windows 7 Professional 64-bit installed on my desktop. Unfortunately for me and my wallet my hard drive is failing. I have purchased a 3TB hard drive as a replacement for my current 2TB drive. I would like to avoid as much hassle as possible in moving to this new drive so I would like to copy my current partition to the new drive using Gparted. The problem is that I suspect that my current partition is MBR, and I need GPT on my new drive since it is 3TB.

Can I simply copy the MBR partition onto the new disk and then convert it to GPT after the fact (can you even convert the type of a partition)?

Or would I need to somehow copy the contents of the partition into a GPT partition on the new drive?

How do I go about making this transistion?

Also, are there any issues I should be wary of booting to a GPT partition? If it matters, my motherboard is 1 year old as of May, 2012.

My motherboard is 1 day old. My old one does not have UEFI compatibility, so I decided to make an upgrade to Intel today given that I would need a UEFI motherboard to use my new HDD.

How much can I use a dying hard drive (bad sectors according to Hitachi Drive Fitness Test)?
I have assumed not at all, to be safe.

Edit 2:
After two cloning attempts, nothing worked (direct cloning or cloning to an image). I just installed Windows fresh and then and copied everything I could. Honestly, after several days of stress with the cloning software, I would recommend this to anyone who has this problem in the future.

Best Answer

Use clonezilla to make an image of your hdd then restore that image to your new drive and it would be as if nothing happened.
You'll have to boot clonezilla from a USB or CD in order to do this.

Alright given the new information I recommend you do the following:

  1. Partition your 3TB drive in half.
  2. Create the image using the software above while saving the image to the second half of the partition you just made. (Clonezilla will let you specify where you want to put the image)
  3. Restore the image to the first half.
  4. Once it seems everything is good, format the second partition then delete the second partition
  5. Extend the first partition to cover the entire drive.

Note: If you don't have enough space then you might have to remove some of your games then just install them after the image goes down.

I recommend just messing around with it till you get what you want, because as long as you have the original you'll be fine.