Google Chrome – How to Clear Item from Address Bar Autocomplete


I use the address bar in Chrome to type in search engine queries.

Somehow at some stage, I have mistyped C# as C/#. This makes the browser think I am trying to enter an address on the C drive if think and ends up with a not found page.

So half the time while typing c# it automatically reverts during typing to c# even without typing the forward slash. I can see the c# in my addressbar autocomplete list. How can I remove the item? I dont want to clear my whole history.

I have tried the very popular superuser answers for using the cursor down key to highlight and either delete key or shift+delete key to remove the entry. it is not removing that entry or any other I test that method on. So I am wondering if my Chrome v37 does not support that remove method.

How can I remove c/#?!

enter image description here

Best Answer

I don't think you mistyped c#, I think this was a bug that was introduced recently. As I also just started getting this behaviour.


I'm guessing that as #'s are used in url's more often now, chrome decides that anything with a # behind it should be considered a web address. For example if you type: "wdqwuuw#" it will auto-correct to "wdqwuuw/#", which you of course don't want.

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