Cisco Anywhere VPN – Web Based Installation Was Unsuccessful


I am trying to log in to my work machine from home, but my computer is stuck trying to connect using the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client. I receive the error message Web-based installation was unsuccessful (see attached image). I have tried using Firefox, Chrome, and IE10. I have added my work domain as a trusted site and also the security certificate. I have also uninstalled/reinstalled my Java 7 client but I am still stuck on this screen. Any advice?

Note: I am on Windows 7. I am logged in as the only account on my computer (so I assume I am admin).

enter image description here

Best Answer

Click on the link "Windows Vista/64/XP/2000". The AnyConnect setup .exe should download - make sure to save it to your Desktop or other place you will remember it. Then run it, and reboot.