Cinnamon Shortcut to Move Window Between Monitors

cinnamonkeyboard shortcutswindow-manager

I'm currently setting up a new Cinnamon environment, and all my shortcuts are working properly. I managed to find this script online which I've bound to allow me to move windows between monitors:


#get the window geometry
widthHeight=( $(wmctrl -l  -G | grep -v ' \-1 ' | awk 'END{print $5,$6}' ))

#toggle if $1 is set and set to left - move window to left
if [[ ! -z $1 ]]; then
        if [[ $1 == "left" ]]; then
        #this window is in another screen
            wmctrl -r ":ACTIVE:" -e 0,0,0,${widthHeight[0]},${widthHeight[1]}
            wmctrl -r ":ACTIVE:" -e 0,1920,0,${widthHeight[0]},${widthHeight[1]}

However, it doesn't work if the window is either maximized or snapped to either side of the monitor. Does anyone know how to modify this script so that it will ALWAYS move the window to the next monitor?

Best Answer

Cinnamon can do this natively now, you don't need a script to do that.

It's Shift + Windows + arrow on default.