Google Chrome – Chromium Not Checking Hosts File


I was setting up a server, but Chromium decides to ignore my hosts file.

  1. I unchecked "Predict network actions to improve page load performance"
  2. I cleared chrome://net-internals/#dns
  3. I restarted my virtual machine
  4. I reinstalled Chromium and did 1-3 again
  5. I reseted Chromium and did 1-3 again

I don't know what else to do, all the answers I found on Google does not work. Every other browser works but Chromium just decide to ignore hosts file.

Here is an image:

Anyone has any idea on what went wrong?

Solutions in this answer do not work for me (That is 1 and 2, I tried 3 times). And I checked proxy settings, it's off.

Update: It seems that Chromium doesn't allow a domain to be pointed to localhost… Haven't found a workaround so far.

Best Answer

::1 is accepted by pretty much everything but Chromium doesn't accept it. You have to use to point to localhost.

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