Chromium: how to block promoted content on Twitter? (uBlock Origin/uMatrix)


Using chromium on Debian with uBlock Origin and uMatrix how can we block Twitter's promoted content on my feed

Is it possible to achieve this through uBlock Origin/uMatrix? is there any alternative?

I have same problem on, where I see "promoted" content when I visit from chromium.

With Firefox, on the other hand, where i am using uBlock Origin and NoScript, neither on Twitter, nor on reddit do I see promoted content.

Best Answer

uBlock Origin may be used with custom filter to block Twitter's Ads, here are some documentation/links on how to achieve that

Link-1, link-2, link-3 and link-4... you may for instance try adding the following on the custom filter list of uBlock Origin
!|Gesponsert|Реклама|Promocionado|Sponsorisé/):xpath(../..)[(text()='Promoted' or text()='Gesponsert' or text()='Реклама' or text()='Promocionado'or text()='Sponsorisé']/../../../../..)[data-testid="trend"]:has-text(/Promoted|Gesponsert|Реклама|Promocionado|Sponsorisé/):xpath(..)

This list is provided as an example.

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