Google-chrome – Unable to use Google Chrome as the external browser in Eclipse


I'm trying to use Google Chrome as the external browser for Eclipse PDT. I always get the following error:

Could not launch external web browser for http://… Check
the Web Browser preferences.

I tried using Firefox and IE and they both work. How can I get Chrome to work?

Edit: I am using Eclipse for PHP Developers version 3.0.2 on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

Best Answer

I use the "External Tools" to setup browsers and select the one I want to use.

Step by step guide

  1. Access the menu "Run";

  2. Select the last option labelled "External Tools";

  3. Select the "External Tools Configurations...";

  4. Create a "New launch configuration";

  5. Enter the following settings:


     Google Chrome

    (or whatever you wish to called it)



    (you can use Browse File System to locate it)

    Working Directory



    -url "${workspace_loc}${project_path}/${resource_name}" 
  6. Press Apply;

  7. You can now run it or later on select it from the menu "Run" -> "External Tools".

External Tools - New launch configuration