Google-chrome – How to force Chrome to save passwords on self-signed or broken SSL


I have searched for a way to do this and never found a good answer, though there have been tickets created in the past (#142818 & #405549).

Apparently, the chromium devs never created a chrome://flags override for "broken" SSL with password saving. This would seem to be the easiest way to fix this annoying "feature" (via flags). I DO understand completely why they block it by default.

Since there is no override to my knowledge, I had assumed that you would need to import the given self-signed certificate to a trusted root area in (Windows) store. This does not appear to work either.

Has anyone been able to get this to work? I can live with the warning – just not the lack of password saving. I spend most of my workday in a dev environment and need to keep re-entering passwords dozens of times a day (copy/paste).

Best Answer

I did not know about this option before today, but it appears that Chrome does have a flag for allowing insecure certificates from the localhost origin. This option is available from the chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost page:


This will only help you for self-signed certificates on the localhost origin, and I have not tested it to see if it actually fixes your problem with the password manager, but it looks promising.

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