Google Chrome – GUI Too Big in Version 43.0.2357.124-1


Last night, I updated my version of Google Chrome from 43.0.2357.81-1 to 43.0.2357.124-1. The most visible change is that the UI elements are way too large. Here's a comparison with Chrome (top), Firefox (center) and my system fonts (bottom); only Chrome is wrong:

Chrome is way too big, Firefox and vim are correct

This isn't a page zoom issue. Chrome thinks my zoom is at 100%. I can shrink the page elements by zooming out, but the UI is still too large.

I can fix this by launching Chrome with the --force-device-scale-factor flag. However, this isn't really a great fix; I'd have to change my launcher shortcuts and any programs that launch Chrome (e.g., web servers that auto-launch a browser, like Racket's). Using this flag also causes Chrome to start with a very small window size.

I checked in chrome://flags and didn't see anything interesting matching the grep for "scale."

If relevant, my desktop environment is Cinnamon on Linux Mint 17.1 64-bit. My screen resolution is 1920×1080, on a normal 14-inch (157 dpi) display.

Best Answer

As Ramhound suggested in a comment, I've rolled back to the previous version. Luckily, I still had the package in /var/cache/apt/archives, so I just installed it with sudo dpkg -i.

If anyone else is looking for the package, I've hosted it here. This is version 43.0.2357.81-1, as provided by the Google PPA, with no modifications.

As mentioned in the comments, this is now a known issue, so should be fixed in some new release.

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