Google Chrome – How to Delete All Cookies Except from Certain Sites


With Chrome, how to delete all cookies except those from a custom list of whitelisted sites (e.g.,, etc. to keep them logged in)?

I know the "Clear browsing data" > Advanced dialog in Chrome, but I don't see how to customize which cookies to delete.

Best Answer

When deleting all cookies, Chrome is missing the ability of Firefox to keep a whitelist to save cookie information from deletion. Adding this feature then requires an extension.

You could use the extension Vanilla Cookie Manager, described as:

A Cookie Whitelist Manager that helps protect your privacy. Automatically removes unwanted cookies. Cookies can be used for authentication, storing your site preferences or anything else that can be saved as text data. Unfortunately they can also be used to track you.

You could turn off cookies completely or just shut off third-party cookies. But that would also keep out useful cookies that many web apps rely upon to work (like Google Mail or Calendar).

With Vanilla you can select which cookies you want to keep on a whitelist. All unwanted cookies are deleted automatically (or manually if you prefer).

If you close your browser often, follow the "recommended usage" on the options page to get rid of unwanted cookies whenever you close Chrome. If you seldom close you browser you should let Vanilla automatically delete unwanted cookies after 30 minutes.

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