Chrome Canary vs Google Chrome – Differences Explained


As the question title says it all, I read Google support, I read few things here and there, the only thing they say is it's for developers and it is updated at a rapid speed, but how exactly is Chrome Canary different from Google Chrome?

Best Answer

Chrome has four release channels – stable, beta, dev and canary. Stable is the regular Chrome most users use. Canary is simply a much newer release that's not as well tested, but has the latest shiny stuff. After a while, the version that was released in the canary channel gets any bugs that are found fixed, then filters downward to dev, and then to the beta and stable releases. Other than the lack of testing, and possibly not having all the bugs fixed, canary is merely Chrome FROM THE FUTURE (except for those features that might get scrapped due to lack of quality).

In short, you get cool stuff, but it might crash horribly. On the other hand, you don't have to use it as a primary browser (in fact, you cannot set it as default). It's mainly useful if you like living dangerously and want to test bleeding edge features.

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