Checkout from svn repository over ssh


I'd really like to know how to checkout a SVN repository from a remote machine that is only serving on the svn protocol (so no WebDAV with Apache etc.) over an SSH connection.

Can someone tell me how to do so?

So, here is the situation once more to clarify:

Best Answer

  1. If your SVN server is not running on the default port 22: add a tunnel entry to ~/.subversion/config

    Open the file, look for [tunnels] and a line, for example:

    sshserver = ssh -p [port where your ssh server is running on] -q

    For everybody: add -q if you're getting 'Killed by signal 15' when trying to checkout.

  2. Checkout using a absolute path from the remote location

    In this example we use the configured tunnel entry from step 1.

    svn co svn+sshserver://user@server/absolute/path/to/svn/repository/project/

More background information:

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