Changing the location of currently running torrents


My torrents is currently downloading to C:\Users\Joseph\Downloads

I want to change it to another location (say C:\Downloads)

But of course the torrents (about 5 of them) have not finished downloading. Is there a way to make a shift or will I have to either wait till they are finished downloading or restart the downloads?

(Windows Vista Home Premium sp 2)

PS: I have both Bittorrent and uTorrent and would like to migrate both of it to another location (in case it works for one but not the other)

Best Answer

  1. Stop the torrent
  2. Create the new location (eg. C:\Downloads)
  3. Copy/move files from original location (eg. C:\Users\Joseph\Downloads) to new location
  4. Right click torrent in uTorrent > 'Advanced' > 'Set Download Location...' > select the new location
  5. Right click again > 'Force Re-Check'
  6. Once it's done checking, start the torrent again
  7. Repeat for all torrents you want to move
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