Changing the codec while keeping the bitrate with ffmpeg


So, I have a bunch of .mp4 files and I need to change the video and audio codecs in order to be able to play them on my device.

The video codec is currently h264 and I need mpeg4.
The audio codec is aac and I need mp3.

I'm trying to convert them via this ffmpeg command:

ffmpeg -y -i input -s:v 800x480 -c:v mpeg4 -c:a mp3 output

It works fine, except for the quality because ffmpeg is using a very low bitrate.

My question now is if I need to specify a quality/bitrate or if it is possible to tell ffmpeg to use the original bitrate somehow.

-vcodec copy is not an option because the video codec stays the same.

Best Answer

It works fine, except for the quality because ffmpeg is using a very low bitrate.

The defaults for mpeg4 are not well chosen, so the target bitrate is quite low. Specify your own target with -b:v 2M (depending on your resolution) or even better, use constant quality with -q:v 5 (as suggested by Mulvya in the comments). In the latter case, lower values mean better quality.

My question now is if I need to specify a quality/bitrate or if it is possible to tell ffmpeg to use the original bitrate somehow.

No – it wouldn't even make sense to do that. If you are going from one codec to another, they might be less or more efficient. Each codec offers different quality at different bitrates – for example, H.264 is much more efficient than MPEG-4 Part II. H.265 is 30–50% more efficient than H.264, etc. The same goes for the actual encoders implementing the codecs: x264 is more efficient than the reference H.264 encoder, etc.

Therefore, taking the original bitrate may not work well. And even keeping the same codec, if you re-compress, you might want to use an even higher bitrate to avoid generation loss.

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