Google Chrome – How to Change Shortcut for Switching Tabs

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I currently have my shortcut for changing tabs in chrome as Cmd ⌘ Opt ⌥ / which is the default. This would either require both hands, or require one hand to be in a very awkward position, so I want to change the shortcut to a more convenient one.

I've looked through system preference -> keyboard -> shortcuts, and can't find the default shortcut for me to change.

Where / how can I change the shortcut for changing tabs in chrome?

I am on a Mac, and this is a screenshot of my system preferences where I've looked to try to change the shortcut.
Systems Preferences

Best Answer

You change it in App Shortcuts, at the bottom of that window.

However, before you do, check the appropriate menu item for next/prev tab - Chrome usually defaults to Ctrl ⌃ Tab ⇥ & Ctrl ⌃ Shift ⇧ Tab ⇥

enter image description here

The Cmd ⌘ Opt ⌥ / is an unpublished alternative.

If you do want to change it, then select App Shortcuts. If there's no entry there for Chrome already, press the + at the bottom, select chrome in the list, type the exact name of the command you wish to change, then add the command. [If it exists in the list, then just select it before pressing +
It will immediately reflect your changes. Revert to defaults by deleting the entry.

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