Windows – Change screen resolution to exceed the maximum on Windows 7

resolutionwindows 7

I want to run the Microsoft SDK Simulator on Windows 7 but it requires 1280 x 960 or greater, whereas I have just 1280 x 800 on my laptop.

I remember when using Windows XP it give me a lot of choices between resolutions even though the resolution of the screen is so small.

On windows 7 it doesn't offer other resolutions bigger than the maximum, is there any workaround or software that allows higher resolution?


This is a video I took using windows XP, you can see that when the resolution exceeds the maximum, not the whole desktop is shown on the screen but once I hover on the sides the desktop moves to show the hidden sides.

Please notice that I am not using any software and I didn't do any hardware modification, this worked for me forever, not like what the answers mentioned (I don't GET anything!!!!!!!)

Thank you.

Best Answer

I have developed a solution which allows you to have a scrolling desktop on Windows. It's complete freeware and there are multiple ways to enhance your desktop. Yes, in both sides, not only horizontal.


Standard is pressing Ctrl+ (moving mouse to the edges) or CtrlShift+ (mouse move) and 4 others.

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