Google-chrome – Change Omnibox’s default behavior to search


I love the autocompletion for Chrome's Omnibox, don't get me wrong. However, much of the time I just want to search for something. When I begin typing into the Omnibox and then press enter, I just would like to do a search by default. Is there a way to force Chrome to search as opposed to selecting the top autocomplete suggestion?

I know I could just press backspace and then enter, but I'd rather just switch the default behavior to search before selecting an autocomplete entry. I'm okay with pressing down a couple times to select the autocompletion entry.

How do we switch the top two items?

As in the image above, is there a way to switch the first two options?

Best Answer

Disable the autocomplete at will with a space at the end of your search term. For example you can simply press:
