Centos – Cinnamon for CentOS


I was trying to install Cinnamon from Source code in a CentOS v.6.4.

Unfortunately, I was stumbling upon dependencies that were becoming weird each and every time.
Some of them, I tried to build, but didn't work. They needed things like GTK+ of certain version that wasn't available for CentOS.

Do you know if there is anyway to install Cinnamon in CentOS?

Best Answer

CentOS (which is derived from RHEL) are still on Gnome 2. Since Cinnamon is based on Gnome 3, I would think that you would have an uphill battle getting it to work on CentOS. If you are looking to have Cinnamon work on a RPM based distro, then you should consider Fedora, OpenSuse or Mageia.




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